

The NO-PC Daily

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Lanzan la Declaración por la Libertad Religiosa contra la ideología de género

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Actuall – Ochenta líderes cristianos profundamente preocupados por la educación y el ministerio religioso, incluido el presidente de la Cardinal Newman Society (Sociedad Cardenal Newman), se han unido este m…


As cinco semelhanças entre o petismo e um culto religioso fanático | Implicante.Org

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Gidalti Alencar – Minha primeira participação nesta nova fase de colunas do Implicante foi para tratar de tema parecido. Na ocasião, expliquei as razões pelas quais a esquerda, ao contrário do que se presume, tem mu…


Condição de advogado não imuniza, diz Moro sobre defensor de Lula

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Edmilson Papo 10 – A nova denúncia da Operação Lava Jato que pegou o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva atingiu também seu advogado e compadre Roberto Teixeira. O petista, seu defensor e mais seis investigados s…


Garotinho, em gravação, fala em acordo para filha assumir secretaria de Crivella

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Edmilson Papo 10 – RIO — Uma gravação telefônica interceptada pela Polícia Federal no dia seguinte à eleição de Marcelo Crivella (PRB) à prefeitura do Rio mostra a expectativa do ex-governador Anthony Garotinho de qu…


Os principais beneficiários de repasses da Odebrecht e seus respectivos codinomes – Partes 4,5 e 6

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Félix Maier – BOTAFOGO ► Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ).  Citado como destinatário de R$ 100 mil vindos da Odebrecht. LAS VEGAS ► Anderson Dornelles. Fiel escudeiro de Janete (Dilma) aparece como beneficiário de uma mesa…


Nenhuma celebridade cumpriu promessa de se mudar para o Canadá se Trump fosse eleito | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino – Ah, a esquerda caviar! O que seria de nossas vidas sem ela? Toda a sua histeria, seu “progressismo”, suas contradições, seu duplo padrão moral, seus ataques raivosos aos conservadores ao mesmo temp…


German cardinal defends four Cardinals over ‘indignant’ attacks

Partilhado por – GERMANY, December 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes has vocalized his support for the dubia of four cardinals asking for moral clarification on Amoris Laetitia and said he doesn’…


Four years after losing preemie triplets, couple has growing family and is working on Catholic video series for kids

Partilhado por – BRUCE COUNTY, Ontario, December 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — An Ontario couple who documented the loss of their preemie triplets at 22 weeks as a moving testimony to the sanctity of life plans to prod…


Irrumpir insultando en una capilla católica con el torso desnudo no es delito en España

Partilhado por – MADRID, 16 Dic. 16 / 11:45 am (ACI).- Rita maestre, concejal de Ahora Madrid (Podemos) y portavoz del Ayuntamiento de la capital fue condenada por un delito de ofensa contra los sentimientos religi…


I’m so old, I remember when Democrats blamed Hillary’s loss on James Comey, not Russia

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I Hate The Media – We live in very dangerous times, with Democrats trying to flip the Electoral College against Trump through cajoling, and when that fails, threats and intimidation. It still seems unlikely that Demo…


Alexandre Garcia continua sendo um oásis de serenidade numa imprensa distante da realidade | Implicante.Org

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Edmilson Papo 10 – Com 76 anos, Alexandre Garcia é um dos analistas políticos mais experientes do jornalismo brasileiro. No Twitter, contudo, é um dos mais novos. Seu perfil veio ao ar apenas em maio de 2016. Desde e…


Juiz da Lava Jato sequestra apartamento que Lula ocupa em São Bernardo

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MAISDIREITA – O juiz federal Sérgio Moro ordenou o sequestro do apartamento 121 do Edifício Hill House, em São Bernardo do Campo, vizinho ao 122 onde mora o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva em São Bernard…


Obama warns Trump not to overuse executive orders – Breitbart

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I Hate The Media – WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 (UPI) — With about one month to go before he leaves office, President Barack Obama gave some exit interview-type advice to his successor Donald Trump: Don’t rely too heavily on …


Homem faz postagem de despedida na web dias antes de morrer de câncer

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Getúlio Santana – O editor de imagens, 40 anos, que morreu lutando contra o câncer, postou uma mensagem na web dias antes. Em tom de despedida, ele fez agradecimentos e disse que perdeu para a doença. Ricardo de Oli…


Mulher que combateu Estado Islâmico pode ser presa na Dinamarca

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MAISDIREITA – COPENHAGUE — A jovem dinamarquesa Joanna Palani, de 23 anos, escolheu um caminho diferente para os seus primeiros anos da vida adulta. Em vez de se preparar para uma carreira profissional, ela reso…


How to Answer a Jehovah’s Witness or Any Other Cults that Denies the Trinity

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Abraão – 1) Jesus shares the name and titles of God the Father (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58). Jesus who came before Abraham, was the one who spoke to Moses at the burning bush. The claim to deity is a factor. Ot…


Odebrecht pagava até 7 milhões de reais por lei aprovada no Congresso

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Félix Maier – A relação sinuosa entre o executivo e os parlamentares sempre teve um jogo de palavras em que o “toma lá dá cá” era subentendido. Mas, a empresa precisava fazer sua contabilidade para cobrar a fatu…


Moro aceita denúncia e Lula vira réu pela 5ª vez

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Tupiniquim do Sul – O juiz federal Sérgio Moro, que conduz os processos da Operação Lava Jato, aceitou denúncia contra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva nesta segunda-feira, 19. Agora, Lula se torna réu pela q…


Judge Napolitano: Election Fraud in Detroit Looks ‘Organized, and Government Involved’

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Captain Sanity – Jill Stein’s recount efforts in Michigan have uncovered what looks like systemic election fraud in Detroit, where roughly 95% of the votes cast were cast for Hillary Clinton. Sixty percent of preci…


Moro ordena sequestro de apartamento vizinho ao que Lula mora em São Bernardo – ISTOÉ Independente

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Gidalti Alencar – O juiz federal Sérgio Moro ordenou o sequestro do apartamento 121 do Edifício Hill House, em São Bernardo do Campo, vizinho ao 122 onde mora o ex-presidente da República Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e…


O Antagonista – Lula sem cobertura

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Gidalti Alencar – Sergio Moro explicou por que resolveu sequestrar a cobertura de Lula, comprada pela Odebrecht em nome do laranja Glaucos Costamarques, primo de José Carlos Bumlai: “Merece referência a constatação,…


New York Times Will Vacate 8 Floors In Its HQ To Generate “Significant Rental Revenue”

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Getúlio Santana – Remember when The NYT reported that its ad hoc campaign to boost revenue by selling subscriptions in response to the vicious back and forth with Donald Trump, was said to be a smashing success? Per…


Tribunal aumenta em 78 anos penas de condenados na Lava Jato

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MAISDIREITA – Responsável por julgar as sentenças do juiz Sérgio Moro em segunda instância, o Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região deve dividir ainda mais as atenções com o juiz de Curitiba nas ações envolvend…


Gun retailers report a run on firearms ahead of new California restrictions

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I Hate The Media – Gov. Jerry Brown’s approval of sweeping gun control legislation in July has triggered a run on firearms in California, with some stores reporting sales have doubled since then. Starting Jan. 1, the…


A Conservative Defense of Transgender Rights – Kentucky governor Matt Bevin said last week that he hopes the Kentucky legislature won’t consider a transgender-bathroom bill in the upcoming legislative session; according to Bevin, “the last thin…


Evo desafia referendo e aceita indicação para disputar quarto mandato presidencial – Internacional – Estadão

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MAISDIREITA – LA PAZ – O presidente da Bolívia, Evo Morales, tentará disputar o quarto mandato nas eleições de 2019, com o apoio de seu partido, o Movimento ao Socialismo (MAS), apesar do resultado do referendo …



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TrumpenReich Tree – Hot-spotting is the practice of repeatedly targeting a location (which could be anything from a website to a university campus) with our propaganda as a means of turning it into a “hot spot.” A hot…

Meio Ambiente

UN Climate Change Agenda Plot To Create ‘New World Order’

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Chauvinist Pigs – A former adviser to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has accused the United Nations (UN) of using the climate change agenda to usher in the New World Order.  Maurice Newman accused the UN of u…


Crazy academic feminist thinks carbon fibers are misogynistic

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Chauvinist Pigs – Because when you’ve talked about everything from movies and video games to glaciers and fluid dynamics, what left is there that hasn’t been declared sexist? Academic feminism is the rotten, deluded…


‘Have mercy on ISIS’: The shocking prayer of a young Iraqi

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CitizenGO – Krakow, Poland, Dec 16, 2016 / 04:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- (Editor’s note: This article includes explicit descriptions of violence. Reader discretion is advised.) Christina Shabo was born under a tr…


Delação da Odebrecht não vai barrar candidaturas |

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Edmilson Papo 10 – Hoje, a única certeza no mundo político é a de que os depoimentos de Marcelo Odebrecht e sua turma vão arrebentar a classe. Sim, mas um ministro do Supremo alerta que, por mais bombástica que seja …


Obamacare Still Forcing Taxpayers to Foot Bill for Elective Abortions

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FRC – Open enrollment for Obamacare plans is well under way, having started Nov. 1 and running through Jan. 31, 2017. Not only is Obamacare proving unaffordable to millions of Americans—it is proving unc…


Plataforma por las Libertades presenta su manifiesto contra la dictadura LGTB

Partilhado por – Más de un centenar de asociaciones del ámbito educativo y social presentan este martes en Madrid la Plataforma por las Libertades y proclaman un Manifiesto que tiene como objetivo denunciar la vuln…


Bill Clinton Blames Hillary’s Loss on F**king White Males

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Oswaldo Portella Jr – Bill Clinton Blames Hillary’s Loss on F**king White MalesChris Menahan InformationLiberation Dec. 19, 2016 Popular ‘Multicultural Christmas’: German State TV Makes Carols Oriental to Avoid ‘Melanch…


How is Martin Sheen any different than Vladimir Putin?

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Chauvinist Pigs – One of the quirks about being an expat in a faraway land is that, whenever something unusual happens in your home country, your local friends look to YOU for answers. You become, by default, the de…


Teori Zavascki diz que vai trabalhar no recesso para Lava Jato – Política – iG

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Félix Maier – O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Teori Zavascki disse, nesta segunda-feira (19) que vai trabalhar durante o recesso da Corte – que começa nesta segunda – para analisar os 77 depoimentos…


Moscou classificou a agressão ao seu embaixador de atentado terrorista

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Noach’s Days – O registro e a autorização do usuário nos sites Sputnik através da conta ou contas do usuário nas redes sociais significa a sua concordância com estas regras e condições de uso.O usuário se omprome…


Urkullu quiere en la calle a los etarras detenidos y pide explicaciones al Gobierno

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Elentir ن – El lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, ha afirmado este lunes que no le ha sorprendido la detención de cinco personas el pasado viernes en Francia en la operación ‘Seminario’, en la que se decomisó medio c…


Ministro do STF diz que vai trabalhar no recesso para analisar delações

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MAISDIREITA – O ministro Teori Zavascki, do STF, disse que vai trabalhar durante o recesso da Corte para analisar os depoimentos de delação premiada de executivos da Odebrecht  José Cruz/Agência Brasil O ministr…


BREAKING: Russian ambassador to Turkey shot in Ankara

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Voice of Europe – Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne…


Jornal americano Wall Street Journal ­afirma que Lula enganou o mundo e deveria ser condenado

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Getúlio Santana – O ex-presidente Lula volta a estampar as manchetes dos principais jornais do mundo, após a sequência devastadora de descobertas sobre seus crimes feitas pela Operação Lava jato. O petista, que já s…


Top Five News

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Getúlio Santana – 0 BOLSONARO Diz que aprovação da pena de morte e castração química para pedófilos em seu governo É PRIORIDADE sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2016 Polêmica proposta provocou debates na câmara HOJE A…


Trump almost certain to win Electoral College vote, but nothing’s sure in 2016 elections

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BentnWasted – The Electoral College is expected Monday to select Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, despite efforts to disrupt the 227-year-old process that so far appears to have resulted …


BREAKING: Shooting at Islamic Centre in Zurich leaves three injured

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Voice of Europe – Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne…


Meet Freddy the Great Dane… the biggest dog in the world

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Getúlio Santana – Take one look at Freddy the Great Dane and your reaction would have to be bow wow… wow! That’s because he’s the World’s Biggest Dog – who stands at 7ft 6in on his hind legs. Freddy’s owner, Clair…


Remaining US-Supported Terrorists Withdrawing from Eastern Aleppo | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – After breaching the withdrawal deal twice earlier to continue fighting, remaining US-supported terrorists are now withdrawing from eastern Aleppo. Russia played the lead role in hopefully resolving…


Scary Fact: North Korea DOES Have Nuclear Launch Capabilities | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – If you needed something else to keep you up at night, here it is: You know that crazy little dictator, Kim Jong-un, the maniac in charge of the highly oppressed country of North Korea? It turns out…


Los autores de la pancarta del ‘Hetero muerto’ hacen una protesta para ocultar la heterofobia

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Elentir ن – “Hetero muerto abono pa mi huerto”. Éste es el texto de la pancarta colgada por el grupo feminista “Erre Que Te Erre” hace unos días en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Una universidad justifi…


NDAA 2016: “Fake News” Sites Are Subject to Treason Investigations (VIDEO) | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – Earlier this week, with a lot of pressure from our woefully dishonest and corrupt mainstream media, some terrifying new legislation was passed that should frighten anyone who values free speech. Th…


Soros aproveitou a distração da direita e implementou o maior sistema totalitário do mundo

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MAISDIREITA – Conforme previsto, está sendo implementado o maior e mais perverso sistema totalitário da humanidade: o “fact checking” enviesado no Facebook. O Facebook já anunciou que implementará os “fact check…

Arte & Entretenimento

The Pro-Life Message in It’s a Wonderful Life | The Stream

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FRC – Seventy years ago this Christmas, the world was first introduced to the little town of Bedford Falls — the place good-hearted George Bailey just can’t seem to leave, despite his aspirations for an …


Blocked, Locked, and Hacked: How They Are Shutting Down the Alternative Media Online | Truthstream Media

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CJLB – So this is what happened to us after we uploaded our last video. Our link was blocked on Facebook when I tried to share it in so-called “private messages” (obviously realizing that the idea of ther…


Mídia Sem Máscara – Cobertura da guerra na Síria: notícias falsas, ativismo e fatos omitidos pela grande mídia

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Mídia Sem Máscara – Escrito por | 18 Dezembro 2016 Internacional – Oriente Médio Explosão de um posto de gasolina em Aleppo, capital síria, em outubro de 2013. (Foto: Haleem-Al-Halab/Reuters/La…


Heather was born at 20 weeks, well before ‘viability.’ 11 years later, she’s thriving.

Partilhado por – GLADSTONE, Australia, December 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Heather D’Arcy was born at only twenty weeks gestation, well before “viability.” She weighed barely over one pound. Doctors told her father,…


Americans warned: Invisible jihad occurring under our noses

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Voice of Europe – Plenty of Americans are wary of violent Islamic jihad – the bloody physical struggle of Muslims against the enemies of Islam. But there also exists another, much craftier form of jihad: civilizatio…


Democrats at A&E to soften image of KKK with documentary

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┌П┐(•_•) – The Democrats will never fully disavow their KKK days. They are the party of the KKK and Jim Crowe. Their leader in the Senate for many years was Robert Byrd, a one time KKK Grand Kleagle. Now, the…


A precisão histórica do livro de Atos

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Emerson de Oliveira – Aqui estão alguns dos detalhes que Lucas vai direto em Atos que não podem ser derivadas de Josefo. A maioria destes podem ser encontrados na obra magistral de Colin Hemer, O Livro de Atos no cenári…

Meio Ambiente

Misterios de los signos del zodiaco chino

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Getúlio Santana – Los chinos han demostrado tener un inmenso conocimiento sobre la astrología. La cultura china por miles de años se ha destacado en el conocimiento astrológico verdadero, ayudando y aconsejando de u…


Valério diz que sua delação está sob risco e pede transferência de prisão

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Oswaldo Portella Jr – BRASÍLIA — A defesa do operador do Mensalão Marcos Valério, um dos condenados no julgamento do mensalão, enviou um documento ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) informando que o acordo de delação pre…


Lucky ISIS Does It Again! “Stumbles” On Massive Weapons Cache In Palmyra | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – Some fake news storylines that the mainstream media puts out are the cornerstone of their plans and the ISIS storyline perpetuated by the mainstream media mostly since 2014 is unmatched when it com…


Frustration-Free Tips for Building an Emergency Food Supply | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – Shocking news! Building an emergency food supply can be one of the easiest activities on your prepping agenda. Now that I have your attention, let me explain. Consuming food is something every huma…


Vitamin A Deficiency in Children | The Sleuth Journal

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Robert Campbell sr. – Vitamin A supplements for children could save 600,000 lives a year [1]. Current World Health Organization (WHO) estimates indicate roughly 190 million children, worldwide, under the age of five, su…


Militares acionam Justiça para barrar projeto que prevê reajuste de 2,33%

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Getúlio Santana – As associações militares protocolaram um pedido de mandado de segurança coletivo contra a proposta do governo do Estado de realizar reajuste de 2,33% para os servidores militares. O aumento propost…


Lula pode ter prisão decretada a qualquer momento.

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Félix Maier – O ex-presidente Lula pode ter sua prisão preventiva decretada a qualquer, logo após a homologação da delação da Odebrecht pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, STF. Embora este seja o maior acordo de dela…


JW Asks Court to Release Videos of Depositions from Clinton Email Case

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I Hate The Media – U.S.A. –-( Judicial Watch is successful because our team is persistent and insistent in our anti-corruption work. Just this week, we filed a motion with a federal court to unseal the …


Por que é preocupante a devoção da direita liberal-conservadora a Enéias Carneiro? | Rodrigo Constantino

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MAISDIREITA – Por Lucas Berlanza, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal “(…) defende um Estado forte, técnico e intervencionista, um Estado que se preocupe realmente com a nação e que não seja propriedade de um grupo…


‘Cleo’: Adoctrinamiento LGTB en el canal infantil de TVE

Partilhado por – El ente público se suma al adoctrinamiento LGTB con una boda entre dos lesbianas en una serie dirigida a niños de entre 4 y 7 años.  Televisión Española ha utilizado Clan TV, un canal de televisión…


Syrian HuffPo Writer: ‘Women to Blame’ for New Year’s Sex Attacks

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Voice of Europe – In a perhaps revealing statement about the attitudes of Syrian refugee men, Bacho — who writes frequently for the Huffington Post’s German website — said: “Most of the time the women are to blame. …


IMF chief Christine Lagarde GUILTY over payout to businessman, says French court

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Voice of Europe – Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne…


Igrejas católica, luterana, anglicana e presbiteriana defendem Jean Wyllys

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Julio Severo – Igrejas católica, luterana, anglicana e presbiteriana defendem Jean Wyllys As igrejas católica, luterana, anglicana e presbiteriana, mediante sua organização ecumênica CONIC (Conselho Nacional de I…


The New Star of Germany’s Far Right

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Voice of Europe – You can tell well in advance when Frauke Petry, the leader of Alternative für Deutschland, a burgeoning new right-wing party, is going to give a speech. AfD members put up posters all over a town’s…


MYTH BUSTED: Actually, Yes, Hitler Was a Socialist Liberal

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Steven Crowder – A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty comm…


Lula ataca ministros do STF e diz que partido sofre por companheiros presos – Política – Estadão

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Edmilson Papo 10 – RIBEIRÃO PRETO – O ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva saiu ontem em defesa dos petistas condenados no julgamento do mensalão e fez críticas a ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Em evento a…


Carlos Polo: “Si Kuczynski no abandona la agenda de Género, las marchas crecerán en Perú”

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Actuall – Las marchas y plantones que se han multiplicado para protestar contra la inserción de la ideología de género en el sistema educativo peruano son un termómetro al que debería estar atento el preside…


Aceprensa | Moro político: compromiso e integridad

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Aceprensa – El canciller inglés tuvo dos vocaciones y fue fiel a ambas: la intelectual y la política. Como estadista, Tomás Moro fue un hombre eminentemente práctico y prudente; supo mantener intacto el compro…

Arte & Entretenimento

Black leaders bash Obama for saying U.S. is racist

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WND News – America’s first black president believes the United States still has not overcome the troubling racial issues of its past. Appearing on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” Monday night, Barack Obama …


Goodbye Sweden

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Chauvinist Pigs – This is the last post on this blog. I am leaving Sweden for good shortly, and will no longer be following its descent from what was once the third most prosperous country in the world. Frankly, it’…


Kids turn violent as parents battle ‘digital heroin’ addiction

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Henry Makow – On August 28, The Post published a piece by Dr. Nicholas Kardaras,“The Frightening Effects of Digital Heroin,” that was based on his book “Glow Kids.” In it, he argued that young children exposed t…


Jornalista compara tricolor que hostilizou colorado no trem a eleitores de Bolsonaro e deputado responde | NETFLU

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NETFLU – A polêmica entre torcedores do Fluminense e do Internacional no trem do Rio de Janeiro ainda dá o que falar. Em comentário, o jornalista Juca Kfouri condenou a atitude dos tricolores e o comparou a…


Fast Islamization of Europe, with Christian Assistance

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Julio Severo – Fast Islamization of Europe, with Christian Assistance A liberal Muslim who backs homosexual “marriage” was elected the first Islamic mayor of London, the capital of England and one of the most imp…


Estado Islâmico mata 25 em ataque a igreja no Egito

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Padre Paulo Ricardo – A notícia é da semana passada, mas vale a pena deixar o registro: no último dia 11 de dezembro, um atentado perpetrado pelo Estado Islâmico matou 25 cristãos em um templo copta do Cairo, capital do…


Verissimo não leu Ayn Rand e espanca um espantalho | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino – Por João Luiz Mauad, publicado pelo Instituto Liberal Em sua coluna de ontem, 18/12, Luis Fernando Verissimo, referindo-se à novelista Ayn Rand, comenta que, nos seus livros, aquela autora “faz a a…


Forty Thousand Christians Say That They Feel Safer Under Bashar Al-Assad » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Forty thousand Christians living in Aleppo feel safer now that their city is under Bashar al-Assad — thanks to Russia — and fear the return of the Islamic rebels, as we read in one report: The esti…


Jewish Calendar Proves this is a Christian Nation » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Jews all around the world just celebrated the Jewish New Year, “Rosh Hashanah” (literally, “the head of the year”). The celebration began at sundown on September 13 and ended at sundown on Septembe…


Sob forte mimimi da esquerda, Colégio Eleitoral deve ratificar hoje vitória de Trump | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino – Donald Trump ainda não ganhou. A chancela final acontece nesta segunda (19), quando os 538 delegados do Colégio Eleitoral deverão apontá-lo como 45° presidente dos Estados Unidos. Numa hora dessas,…


College Football Star Says He Raped Woman As Payback for ‘400 Years of Slavery’…

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Steven Crowder – I will give you all the money in my pockets right now if this isn’t one of the most racist things you’ve ever read, also the most disgusting, vile, and evil things. A football player violently rape…


“Ó Raíz de Jessé”

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Padre Paulo Ricardo – Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 1, 5-25) Nos dias de Herodes, rei da Judeia, vivia um sacerdote chamado Zacarias, do grupo de Abia. Sua esposa era descendente de Aarão …


Bishop Schneider has spoken the final word on Amoris Laetitia (FULL TEXT)

Partilhado por – EDITOR’S NOTE: The following talk was given by his Excellency, Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, at the Lepanto Foundation on December 5 and translated by Matthew Cullin…


Lula é acusado de ter praticado crimes 234 vezes |

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Felipe Moura Brasil – Finalmente, o pentadenunciado Lula virou pentarréu. Todo mundo tenta, mas só o Lula é penta. Ainda assim, esta não é a marca mais impressionante de sua biografia não-autorizada, que vem sendo escri…


WATCH: The Video That Just May Sink Hillary’s Ship…

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Os méritos do liberalismo e a tentativa de desvirtuá-lo com os “direitos humanos” | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino – A palavra “liberal” mudou muitas vezes de significado. É atualmente utilizada nos Estados Unidos para designar aqueles que seriam descritos como “de esquerda” em termos europeus – pessoas que acred…


¿Sabes lo que quieren enseñarle a tu hijo en el colegio? La ideología de género al acecho

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CarlosWaiteBrignole – MADRID, 19 Dic. 16 / 10:20 am (ACI).- La plataforma ciudadana HazteOír (HO) en España publicó el libro “¿Sabes lo que quieren enseñarle a tu hijo en el colegio?” en el que explican los alcances, pe…


Do conduzido Malafaia ao pentadenunciado Lula, distância é enorme |

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Silas Malafaia – – Polícia Federal vai tirar dúvida se o pastor Silas Malafaia emprestou conta de instituição religiosa para ocultar origem ilícita de valores. Seus inimigos, obviamente, já têm certeza. – De boas, …

Meio Ambiente

Por onde começar a leitura da Bíblia Sagrada?

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Marco Feliciano – “A Bíblia que está caindo aos pedaços geralmente pertence a alguém que não está.” (Charles H. Spurgeon) A Bíblia não é um livro comum e essa deve ser a primeira verdade que você precisa ter em ment…

Meio Ambiente

Nepal registra mais de 1 milhão de cristãos após terremoto

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Marco Feliciano – O número de cristão no Nepal alcançou a marca de 1 milhão e deve continuar crescendo por muitos anos, graças as mais de 8 mil igrejas que funcionam no país que atuam com ações evangelísticas desde …


Agência Americana de Inteligência de Defesa Confirma: Obama Criou o Estado Islâmico – A grande imprensa brasileira noticiou há poucos dias a afirmação feita por Donald Trump de que Barack Obama e Hillary Clinton seriam respectivamente o fundador e a cofundadora do Estado Islâmico. O…


Here’s What the Founders Thought About Term Limits

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Heritage Foundation – With the sudden dominance of Republicans in Congress, state legislatures, and, of course, the White House, conservatives have an incredible opportunity to restore constitutional principles to gover…


Threatening electors violates federal law. So why isn’t Loretta Lynch doing anything about it?

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Heritage Foundation – Before Donald Trump’s stunning victory on November 8, liberals called for acceptance of election results. But since the election didn’t go as they’d planned, some have taken to harassing and intimi…


Miles de personas marchan contra la ideología de género en Perú

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Actuall – Miles de peruanos marcharon el 16 de diciembre en distintas ciudades del Perú, en rechazo al adoctrinamiento de niños en ideología de género en las escuelas del país. La prensa local estimó que al …


New Study Confirms Liberals Are Far More Intolerant of Other People’s Opinions

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Paul Joseph Watson – A new study has confirmed what we all knew but what leftists are loathe to admit – liberals are far more intolerant of other people’s opinions. A survey by PRRI found that, “Political liberals are …


Trump Still Hasn’t Named a Democrat to His Cabinet

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Ben Shapiro – WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump campaigned on an unusual mix of policy positions that pulled from both Republican and Democratic orthodoxy. He drew support from the mostly white workin…


Obama’s Blaming Everybody Else For Russian Aggression. He Should Buy A Mirror.

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Ben Shapiro – In the aftermath of Russia’s alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee, followed by Hillary Clinton’s shocking presidential election loss, Barack Obama has gone on the warpath against th…

Arte & Entretenimento

FLASHBACK: Bill Burr Eviscerates PC Outrage, Liberal Journalism. And It’s Perfect!

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Steven Crowder – Ah, remember last year? 2015 was a mild tummy ache compared to the diarrhea dungeon of 2016 (see 2016: The World Has Officially Gone Mad. And I’m DONE…). We had problems then, too, of course. The e…

Arte & Entretenimento

Thanks 2A: Armed Thugs Attempt to Rob Uber Driver. Get Dropped Instead!

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Steven Crowder – As 2016 comes to a close we’ve been doing some reflecting on the past year. Some of this year’s highlights include failed robberies conducted by the functionally retarded (see Gunman With AK-47 Rob…


Evolution for Dummies

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Anna Maria Perez⭐ – Atheism is a faith based religion.  One of the tenets of this religion is abiogenesis, life beginning on it’s own.  Another is evolution.  It is difficult to get atheists to talk about abiogenesis,…


The 2nd Amendment: Shall Not Be Infringed!

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Anna Maria Perez⭐ – A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. I have the right to keep and bear arms.  So do you …


Trump owns outgoing wookie Michelle Obama on hope

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┌П┐(•_•) – Michelle Obama who first became proud of her country when Hussein Obama won his first election is back to hating America again. In an interview with Oprah this past week, the outgoing Wookie Michel…


Livre mercado é arma contra a corrupção e cabeça do brasileiro mudou, diz dono da Riachuelo | Rodrigo Constantino

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Rodrigo Constantino – Flávio Rocha, dono da Riachuelo, é um dos poucos empresários brasileiros que tem coragem de defender o livre mercado. Nossos empresários, especialmente os grandes, costumam preferir o modelo de “ca…


Desperation: Michael Moore Offering To Pay Fines For Faithless Republican Electors

Partilhado por – Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is making one last plea to Republican electors before they go to their respective state capitols to vote for Donald Trump. In a lengthy Facebook post on Sunday night…


‘Secret’ refugee resettlement transforming America

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WND News – Like seeds in a garden, refugees are being planted in cities and towns all across America. But the fact that it’s being done in secret should set off alarm bells, according to veteran WND reporter …

Meio Ambiente

Obama sneaking in 1 final global-warming spending orgy

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WND News – The Obama administration is attempting to slip in another pricey climate-change initiative before Donald Trump takes office, potentially costing U.S. taxpayers another $90 million if it survives it…


Students threatened with arrest over ‘free speech’ ball

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WND News – A lawsuit has been filed against Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan, after officials there threatened students for failing to restrict their free speech to the 0.03 percent of the…


Pope Francis on the young who like Latin Mass: ‘Why so much rigidity?’

Partilhado por – November 11, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – In a new interview, Pope Francis criticized the “rigidity” of young people who are attached to the Traditional Latin Mass. “I always try to understand what’s behi…


Atlantic Canadian bishops approve last rites before euthanasia: ‘Pope Francis is our model’

Partilhado por – December 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Catholic bishops of Atlantic Canada are citing Pope Francis and his controversial exhortation Amoris Laetitia to support a decision allowing priests latitude …


If Pope Francis were right on adultery, the Catholic Church would collapse

Partilhado por – December 7, 2016 (TheCatholicThing) — If you approve of bank robbery, you won’t be able to condemn the act of shoplifting candy bars from a convenience store. I mean, you won’t be able to do this …


Black lives matter…well sort of

Partilhado por – We live in a hashtag world. It’s much easier to deal with a few emotionally charged words than the fact that those words misrepresent reality. #BlackLivesMatter. Well, it depends. This whole media-…


Does Planned Parenthood do any good for women’s health? These stats will shock your liberal friends

Partilhado por – December 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — But, but, but Planned Parenthood offers all these other services! That’s the battle cry from “pro-choice” activists across the nation in attempts to redefine wha…


Catholic archdiocese allows ‘sacrilegious’ semi-nude fashion show in a church – then defends it

Partilhado por – Editor’s note: See photos of the event at the bottom of the story. LifeSiteNews has chosen not to publish the most sexually explicit, but they can be accessed here. BRISBANE, Australia, December 15…


22,000 and counting join four Cardinals’ plea to Pope for clarity

Partilhado por – December 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — A petition to Pope Francis asking him to “dispel confusion” in the Church by responding to the Cardinals’ five yes-or-no questions has been signed by over 22,000…


WATCH: Cardinal Cupich on the question of Pope’s animosity towards JPII Catholics

Partilhado por – Editor’s Note: John-Henry Westen and Steve Jalsevac are reporting direct from Rome during the consistory. ROME, November 20, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Sayings which have made Pope Francis the darling o…


The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and they’re definitely not happy about it

Partilhado por – November 15, 2016 (REAL Women) — Those who are setting our so-called “values”, such as the small but powerful group of academics, mainstream media, and homosexual activists, do so by attempting to…


Doctors agreed to euthanize this depressed woman. Moments before her death, everything changed.

Partilhado por – Note: Video from the documentary is included below. Nov. 16, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – The poignant story of a young and healthy Belgian woman, “Laura”, 24, who obtained permission for legal euthanasia…


FBI Assures Trump: Russians Didn’t Influence Election » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Celebrated journalist and author Edward Klein recently published a shocking story that doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in the mainstream media. Klein who was once the Editor-in-Chief at th…


Is God an Incompetent Designer, or is Fallen Man the Incompetent Observer? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Darwinists are famous for arguing that God, if He exists, must be a bad designer.  After all, we believe we see biological imperfection, even grotesque biological failure, all around us.  Birth def…


The Real Fake News and the Effects of Television on the Brain » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of propaganda, once said a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. This is obviously true as our nation has become one of an uninformed, confused citizenry m…


George Soros Funding Facebook’s New “Fake News Fact Checking” Group » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or if you haven’t had any access to television, radio, or the Internet, then by now you’ve certainly heard all the fuss liberals and the mainstream media are…


Your Grandad Ain’t No Monkey! » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Whatever the Bible says is true. Even though evolutionists think the opposite, it does not matter what they think, whatever the Bible says is the final say (Romans 1:22). Today, I am going to tell …


Is Obama Threatening Russia to Salvage His Ego? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential bid has left the Democratic Party in turmoil. Now, many acknowledge that Barack Obama’s aggressive far left agenda played a major role in Hillary’s loss. Meanw…


Venezuelan Parents Giving Their Children Away for Lack of Food » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – We have several examples in history of parents taking radical steps. People have sold their children to pay debts. People have prostituted their children to feed them. But, have we ever seen a soci…


The ‘Experts’ Tell Us That Christmas Is The Most Depressing Time Of The Year – Do You Agree? » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – For many people, the holiday season is the most dreaded time of the year. But does it have to be that way? The holidays can be a real pressure point because they tend to magnify our problems. If yo…


Humanist “Holy” Day: Delaware Governor Declares Charles Darwin Day » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – For those of us who have repented and believed the gospel, we have known the war was raging. We are taught from Scripture that this invisible war is always being waged against us, every day. Paul t…


White Marine Vet leaving Cardinals game shot, paralyzed by black thug in 2015 – buys Christmas presents for thug’s offspring in 2016

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Robert Campbell sr. – The main thug, sweet lil Kilwa Jones, who had previously been sentenced to 35 years in a federal penitentiary in this case. Was just sentenced to 40 years in a state facility on the same case. Prio…


Shocker: Even Obama Lawyers Admit Birth Certificate Forged: “But Eligibility’s A Separate Matter” » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – The conversation about Barack Obama’s birth certificate has been off the table for a while now – but the true heart of the matter has never been resolved. Has anything in his administration been va…


Evolution is a Religion » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – According to the dictionary, the word ‘believe’ means “to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so…


The beginnings of the Jesuit Order

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Robert Campbell sr. – The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑Jew of the Occult Cabala. A crypto‑Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, wh…


Challenging the TSA’s Screening Protocols as Ineffective, Invasive, Unlawful and Unhealthy » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Pointing to evidence that the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) airport screening protocols are ineffective, invasive, unlawful and contrary to public safety, The Rutherford Institute …


After Being In US for 3 Months, Somali Muslim Migrant Rapes Minnesota Woman on Bus » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – And this is more of what Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah wants to bring to the cities of the US. A Somali Muslim migrant had only been in the united States for three months before attacking a…


Pope Goes Darwin: Pushes Evolution & Big Bang » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Pope Francis addressed the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican on Monday and what he said may shock many Christians, though not those of us who know what he truly is. The Pope said that G…


After Questionable Treatment From VA Hospital, Vet Fatally Shot Himself » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – A newly released watchdog report contains shocking details of the St. Louis Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its mishandling of a 69-year-old schizophrenic patient, who ended up fatally shoo…

Arte & Entretenimento

FL; Ultra White liberal Tricia Todd cut to pieces by black hubby – who leads police to some of the parts (Nov. 2016)

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Robert Campbell sr. – The incident described with this post played out during the summer of 2016 – at that time I added it to online archives but never did make an actual blog post on it. I had run across it again (and …


Obama Birth Certificate is a Fake & Here’s the Big List of Those Who Think » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – In 2012, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio openly stated that the fraudulent birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah that resides on the White House website is a national securi…


Navy Contractors Charged For Reporting Bomb Scares They Allegedly Knew Were Fake » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Two Navy contractors were charged Wednesday for reporting bomb scares they apparently knew were false. The two contractors, in separate incidences, allegedly reported hoax bomb threats that resulte…


German Home Affairs Minister Warns Streets are Controlled by Muslim Migrants » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Muslim migrants are controlling Germany’s streets and squares because the country cannot control its borders, a German Home Affairs minister warned yesterday. “Our streets and squares are under mig…


The Real Reason Why America Has Been Given A Reprieve » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – This is one of the most important articles that I have written in a long time.  The strange events of the past year and a half have befuddled and mystified many, and in this article I am going to e…


Agnus Dei: The Jewish Messiah » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – There is a great hunger to be forgiven – it is a universal need. In the classic book by Karl Menninger of the Menninger Clinic, “Whatever Became of Sin?,” he described a situation where a mime on t…


Precedent Set — Germany to Fine Facebook $500K for Every ‘Fake News’ Post they Don’t Delete

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Robert Campbell sr. – Germany — Germany now says if Facebook refuses to deal with “fake news” in a timely manner, it will fine the social media platform €500,000 (around $525,000) for each false or hate speech item it f…


Baltimore Set to Ban Toy Guns » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – In another demonstration of stupidity, the City of Baltimore looks to ban of replica guns, aka toy guns. On Monday, the Baltimore City Council gave preliminary approval to a ban on toy guns that lo…


“Become Your Own Primary Healthcare Provider” and Survive Obamacare’s Crippling Costs » Sons of Liberty Media

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The Sons of Liberty – Are you prepared to survive… the age of socialized medicine? Health care coverage shouldn’t be life threatening, but… Unfortunately, the skyrocketing cost of health care coverage under Obamacare is…

Arte & Entretenimento

Casarse por la Iglesia es ya una rareza en España: lo hacen sólo un 15% de nuevas parejas – Hace apenas una década, en 2006, seis de cada diez parejas en España que se tomaban la molestia (o tenían el coraje) de casarse, lo hacían por la Iglesia. Pero ya entonces había 8 provincias en los…


Una lesbiana gana la presunción de paternidad sobre los hijos que tuvo su ex pareja cuando convivían – Cuando empezaron a aprobarse las leyes que redefinen al matrimonio para incluir en él a las parejas del mismo sexo, los defensores del matrimonio advirtieron de las devastadoras consecuencias legal…


Unmasking the DOD’s Endorsement of the Humanism Religion

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FRC – Disclaimer: The following was written by an active duty Air Force officer who wishes to remain anonymous. It is not necessarily the view of Family Research Council, nor any of its member or partner…


Minnesota film company could be punished for refusing to promote same-sex marriage!

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CitizenGO – Minnesota couple Carl and Angel Larsen, owners of a film production company founded to celebrate marriage as  between one man and one woman, are fighting for the freedom to create art without being…


Fair or foul? – WORLD

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AllianceDefends – Opponents also reject the concept of an exemption for religious belief. John Stonestreet, president of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, signed the statement of opposition and said F…

Arte & Entretenimento

Navy Begins Transgender Indoctrination | The Stream

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FRC – With only a few weeks left of Barack Obama’s presidency, his administration is doing all it can to solidify the radical changes it has introduced — especially in the armed forces. After winning rep…


Nubank pode fechar as portas se BC confirmar mudança amanhã | – Negócios, economia, tecnologia e carreira

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Edmilson Papo 10 – Brasília – Um dos emissores de cartão de crédito que mais crescem no País, o Nubank ameaça fechar as portas se o Banco Central confirmar, nesta terça-feira, 20, uma mudança drástica no prazo de pag…


ISIS may be gone, but Mosul still faces a long winter ahead

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CitizenGO – Mosul, Iraq, Dec 14, 2016 / 12:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Christians, Muslims and other victims of ISIS feel relief over the terrorist group being pushed back from the Nineveh Plain area of Northern I…



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AluizioAmorim – segunda-feira, dezembro 19, 2016 ALERTAR É PRECISO (2) A renomada escritora e jornalista Cora Rónai, em lúcido artigo, fez um alerta: “(…) um país vai para o brejo aos poucos construindo uma desg…


Barbosa diz que comentário de Lula merece ‘o mais veemente repúdio’

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Edmilson Papo 10 – O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministro Joaquim Barbosa, disse por meio de nota divulgada na noite desta segunda-feira (28) que a “desqualificação” do tribunal é um “fato grave que…


Rede Globo será investigada pelo FBI em esquema de corrupção bilionário

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Levy Fidelix – 14/12/2016 15:00 Rede Globo será investigada pelo FBI em esquema de corrupção bilionário Seria de vez o fim da Rede Globo? É o que aponta os investigadores do FBI ao dizer que a Rede Globo poderá e…


Aplican la eutanasia a un hombre que podía vivir una década más

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Actuall – Barclay, natural de Folkestone (Reino Unido), murió después de tomar una dosis letal de barbitúricos en un apartamento de ‘Dignitas’, cerca de Zurich, después de haber viajado a Suiza con su esposa…


A Guerra de Obama Contra os Cristãos

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Julio Severo – A Guerra de Obama Contra os Cristãos A edição de junho de 2013 da revista impressa Whistleblower, publicada por WND, foi dedicada à guerra de Obama contra os cristãos e faz leve menção a Julio Seve…

Arte & Entretenimento

Washington Post: Virgin Mary Offends Rape Victims by Her Purity

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Henry Makow – Here’s a new way you couldn’t dream up in your worst nightmare because you’re still sane. Insane Christian pastor Ruth Everhart has a book to sell. It’s called Ruined. The only audience for that bo…


Jiménez Losantos comenta el ‘regalo’ de Navidad del juez Cubero a Rita Maestre

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Actuall – El periodista Federico Jiménez Losantos expone en un artículo en Libertad Digital las incoherencias que han estado presentes a la hora de absolver a la portavoz de Ahora Madrid, Rita Maestre, por p…


Bill Clinton bashes Trump, blames ‘angry white men’ and Comey for wife’s loss

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BentnWasted – Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s Novembe…


Electoral College meets today: Meeting times & places of GOP Electors

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Henry Makow – Today, December 19, 2016, America’s Electoral College voters are scheduled to meet in their respective states to cast their votes for President of the United States of America. Although the Elector…


Homem que agrediu guarda feminina é descoberto e preso: ‘Me desculpa’

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Getúlio Santana – O empresário Luiz Felipe Neder Silva, de 34 anos utilizou seu perfil no Facebook neste domingo, 18, para pedir “desculpas”. Ele disse que faria uma espécie de transmissão, ao vivo, para comentar as…


O “Fogo Estranho” de John MacArthur

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Julio Severo – Caro Thiago, Esse Dom Rafael cria pseudo nomes para atacar, e não só aqui no blog. Como o foco aqui é a visão do Julio e comentários BASEADOS no que ele escreve, eu evitava sair do tema. As vezes q…


¡Alegraos, oh celtíberos: ha llegado el solsticio!

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Aceprensa – ¡Enhorabuena, amigos celtas, íberos, mayas, romanos y de civilizaciones variopintas! Ya tenemos aquí el solsticio de invierno. Ese buque insignia de las ciudades españolas que es el Ayuntamiento de…


University offers class on ‘The Problem of Whiteness’ – The College Fix

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Henry Makow – A class to be taught next semester at the University of Wisconsin Madison called “The Problem of Whiteness” aims to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to hel…


Obama orquestrou golpe na Ucrânia para reiniciar a guerra fria e impedir a Rússia de liderar revolta mundial contra a agenda LGBT

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Julio Severo – O Inferno não tem paradoxo nenhum, talvez tenha pros adventistas, o inferno é só um lugar de tormento temporário, onde estão presos muitos demônios, almas que já sofrem tormentos dos que não estão …


Vacina anti-sarampo mata mais do que sarampo

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Julio Severo – Sobre o comentafio do Sr Anonimo, gostaria de dizer que considero interessante o fato da midia se calar quando algum escandalo envolvendo notoriedades entra no campo da moral. Parece até que estou …


Presidente armênio alerta para perigo de negação de genocídio, Dep. Marco Feliciano denuncia genocídio de cristãos armênios

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Julio Severo – Continuando meu duscurso, isso que aconteceu na Colombia jà està a acontecer no Brasil, onde “ninguem sabe de nada”… Nas ruas das nossas cidades os POLICIAIS jà estao sendo mortos por causa da tr…


Ashers: Equality quango must pay majority of its own legal costs – The Christian Institute

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Christian Institute – The taxpayer-funded Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) will pay the majority of its own legal costs incurred in the case against Ashers Baking Company, it has emerged. At the end of la…

Arte & Entretenimento

Los vídeos de Planned Parenthood les hicieron reaccionar: “Nosotros los adoptamos”

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Actuall – “¿Quiere el cerebro fresco? ¿O congelado?”, ésta es una de las preguntas que le hace uno de los trabajadores de Planned Parenthood al periodista que se hace pasar por un comprador interesado en un …

Arte & Entretenimento

Breitbart & Michael Cormier (Death still remains an open case) – Project Astral

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Henry Makow – Michael Cormier was one of the technicians at the LA County Coroner’s office who oversaw the Breitbart autopsy.  He passed away on April 20th, 2012 ( the same day that Andrew Breitbart’s cause of d…


Mau exemplo: governo alemão deixa bebês vulneráveis a experimentos ideológicos

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Julio Severo – Mau exemplo: governo alemão deixa bebês vulneráveis a experimentos ideológicos “A partir desta sexta-feira na Alemanha, pais de recém-nascidos terão uma terceira opção na hora de registrar no cartó…


A importância de disciplinar os filhos

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Julio Severo – A importância de disciplinar os filhos As conseqüências para os filhos quando os pais são negligentes A questão da disciplina dentro da família encontra-se bem tratada na Palavra de Deus. E o Novo …


Rapaz entra armado na residência da ex e é assassinado pelo pai dela

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Getúlio Santana – Um rapaz invadiu com o carro a casa da ex-namorada, entrou na residência armado e depois foi assassinado pelo ex-sogro. O caso aconteceu na madrugada deste sábado (17), na cidade paranaense de Prud…


Milagro Sala no es una #presapolítica

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CitizenGO es – ULTIMA HORA (18 de diciembre) Gobernador de Jujuy. “El titular de la OEA practica kirchnerismo explícito” ULTIMA HORA (15 de diciembre) Ex miembros de la Tupac Amaru denunciaron a Milagro Sala en e…


Bulgarian brute ‘who kicked woman down stairs in Berlin’ held

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Henry Makow – A Bulgarian who allegedly kicked a woman down the stairs at an underground station in Berlin has been arrested after complaining loudly on a coach about a fellow passenger using a mobile phone. The…


College enrollment drops 1.4% as adults head back to work

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BentnWasted – Despite aggressive efforts nationwide to boost the number of people who attend college, enrollments declined this fall for the fifth straight year as better job prospects for older potential studen…


CIA Cloud Over Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post

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Henry Makow – A petition that has gained more than 15,000 signers so far this week is urging the Washington Post to provide readers with “full disclosure” about a conflict of interest involving the Post’s sole o…


Rania Khalek On Aleppo And Western Media’s Whitewashing Of Rebels

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Henry Makow – The following is from this week’s “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast. One of the show’s hosts, Rania Khalek, recently returned from a trip to Lebanon. She traveled to Syria twice and spent time prod…


Estudo diz que crianças criadas por dois homossexuais se tornam mais saudáveis do que crianças criadas por pai e mãe

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Julio Severo – Mark Regnerus Em seu novo estudo publicado pela Social Science Journal, Mark Regnerus faz uma pergunta: “Quão diferentes são os adultos criados por pais que possuem relacionamentos homossexuais?” E…


Sim, a Odebrecht também em uma mão no Exército

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Getúlio Santana – A Justiça Federal decidiu nesta sexta-feira aceitar denúncia apresentada pelo Ministério Público Federal (MPF) contra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e o filho dele, Luiz Cláudio Lula da …


Govt considers ‘Equality Oath’ for public officers – The Christian Institute

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Christian Institute – All holders of public office could be forced to swear an ‘Equality Oath’ showing their allegiance to so-called British values, a Cabinet Minister has said. Sajid Javid, the communities secretary, b…


Los peruanos no negocian con la Ideología de género – “Con mis hijos no te metas”. Con este lema, tres grandes marchas ciudadanas han sido convocadas en Perú para manifestar el rechazo popular a la tentativa del imponer la ideología de género en el si…


Conselho de Ética da Câmara pode abrandar punição para Jean Wyllys – Na semana passada, o relator do caso, deputado Ricardo Izar (PP-SP), apresentou um parecer pedindo a suspensão do seu mandato por 120 dias. Jean Wyllys foi acusado de quebra de decoro parlamentar d…


“Não vou ser ditador”, diz Jair Bolsonaro se for eleito presidente em 2018 – Pânico – Jovem Pan FM São Paulo 100.9

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Marcelo Gonçalves – Jair Bolsonaro está dando os primeiros passos em sua futura campanha presidencial para 2018. O deputado esteve no Pânico na Rádio nesta sexta-feira (16), onde falou sobre a possibilidade de ser ele…


Bolsonaro é o único candidato à presidência em 2018 que não está envolvido em escândalos

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Edgar Bezerra ن – Nesta segunda (12), o Instituto Datafolha divulgou mais uma pesquisa de intenção de votos para o pleito de 2018. Entre os principais candidatos à presidência, o deputado federal Jair Bolsonaro (PSC…



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Jorge Roriz – Neste e-book você verá a Internet como uma grande fonte de oportunidades de negócios e de evolução profissional. São abordadas as principais variáveis que envolvem o empreendedorismo, particularmen…


PF confisca avião, 139 carros e 90 imóveis em FRAUDES do PT de R$ 8 BILHÕES em FUNDO DE PENSÃO

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Félix Maier – A Operação Greenfield, deflagrada nesta segunda-feira, contra desvios de R$ 8 bilhões no fundos de pensão Funcef, Petros, Previ e Postalis, determinou o sequestro e o bloqueio de 90 imóveis, 139 au…


Carnavalesco é suspeito de estuprar mais de 10 adolescentes em Manaus

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Noach’s Days – O professor de teatro e carnavalesco Varildo Alves de Almeida, de 50 anos, foi preso após denúncias de estupro de mais de dez adolescentes. As vítimas eram todas do sexo masculino e alunos de uma e…


O verdadeiro ópio do povo

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Emerson de Oliveira – Fiéis a Marx, os comunistas incriminam a religião de ópio do povo — das Opium des Volks. Leia–se o trecho na íntegra: “A religião é o suspiro da criatura oprimida pela infelicidade, a alma de um mu…

Arte & Entretenimento

Blog: Why are Hollywood libs such poor losers?

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PCGoneWild – Imagine a guy who “play acted” as a wartime doctor during the Korean War (when he was actually filming in Malibu Creek State Park in sunny southern California) telling some blind veteran who’s in a…

Arte & Entretenimento

The holographic anime “robot” that will keep house for lonely salarymen

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Oswaldo Portella Jr – The future is apparently here. And it’s creepier than we ever imagined—even when we were playing around with tethering Teddy Ruxpin to the Internet. A Japanese company called Vinclu (“a company tha…


Lenovo reorganizes Brazil operation | ZDNet

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Oswaldo Portella Jr – Lenovo has reorganized its operations in Brazil as part of a plan to reduce spending. The Chinese company has swapped a manufacturing facility of 52,000 square meters in the São Paulo state city of…


Leak reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company

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#Eugenics 101 – Rex Tillerson, the businessman picked by Donald Trump to be the next US secretary of state, is the long-time director of a US-Russian oil firm based in the tax haven of the Bahamas, leaked document…


Delação da Odebrecht abre caminho para eleição indireta, com prova que cassaria chapa Dilma-Temer

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Félix Maier – Edição do Alerta Total – O fantasma da “eleição indireta para Presidente da República” volta a rondar Bruzundanga. A mais recente novidade vazada é que a chapa presidencial de D…


On the Historical Accuracy of the Book of Acts

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Emerson de Oliveira – Here are some of the details that Luke gets right in Acts that cannot be derived from Josephus. Most of these can be found in Colin Hemer’s magisterial work, The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hell…


Mulher criada por pais gays publica livro sobre o mal de ser privada de uma mãe – Sempre Família – Se for usamos a BIBLIA como exemplo(Minha visão e ensinamento dado a mim, para ministrar em 20 anos que tenho no evangelho), respondendo baseado na bíblia, o que acho pouco confiavel, partindo do p…

Arte & Entretenimento

The bank lent me $2m so I spent it on strippers and cars – BBC News

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André Moura – Luke Brett Moore, a young Australian, had just lost his job when he discovered his bank was mistakenly allowing him unlimited credit. It was too good an opportunity to miss. As he explains here, in…


Aparece o cheque da propina da Andrade Gutierrez em nome de Temer e não do PT

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Félix Maier – O advogado Flávio Caetano, representante  jurídico de Dilma Rousseff, divulgou hoje a petição apresentada ao Tribunal Superior Eleitoral pedindo o inquérito e o indiciamento de Otávio Azevedo, ex-p…


Mídia Sem Máscara – Salário mínimo, estupidez máxima

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Yuri Vieira – Escrito por Peter Schiff | 19 Junho 2010 Artigos – Economia Como o salário mínimo impede que muitos jovens consigam empregos básicos, eles nunca poderão desenvolver as habilidades necessárias para …


Como é que Levítico 19,28 (que ordena que não se tenham tatuagens) aplica-se aos cristãos?

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Emerson de Oliveira – Tenho estudado e lido alguns dos ritos antigos que outras nações praticaram no que diz respeito aos tatuagens e se cortarem. Para um seguidor de Jesus, como é que Levítico 19,28 se relaciona atualm…


DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile Continues to Embarrass Democrats

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PCGoneWild – WikiLeaks emails released from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta reaffirmed that Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair Donna Brazile contributed to rigging the Democratic primaries when she w…

Arte & Entretenimento

Blade Runner 2049 Teaser Trailer – Watch at!

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Oswaldo Portella Jr – Warner Bros. Pictures and Alcon Entertainment have today unveiled the Blade Runner 2049 teaser trailer! Take a peek at next fall’s long-awaited sci-fi sequel in the player below. Thirty years after…


Ministra que mandou soltar Garotinho aparece em gravação negociando habeas corpus preventivo para o ex-governador

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Félix Maier – A ministra Luciana Lóssio, do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), que mandou soltar o  ex-governador do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Anthony Garotinho na tarde desta sexta-feira (18), foi flagrada em uma gr…


LGBT activists: Marriage was never the ‘end game’

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Redeeming Rainbow – Now, the real fight begins, say leaders in the LGBT movement. And it won’t be for the faint of heart. So-called “marriage equality” is not the end-game, according to the activists. It’s merely a wi…


Faith Leaders Back Trump’s EPA Pick in Open Letter »

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BarbWire – More than 40 evangelical leaders are backing President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Tru…


Candidatos para eleições de 2018 são citados na Lava Jato

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ANTONI CARLOS – Os nomes dos principais políticos que podem se candidatar às eleições de 2018 aparecem em propostas de delações premiadas de empreiteiras relacionadas à Operação Lava Jato. Sérgio Cabral chega ao R…


Let Town Halls Install Nativity Scenes, Says Marion Le Pen

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Orlando Braga – Marion Maréchal Le Pen, niece of party leader Marine, has proposed a motion in the parliament of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region calling for nativity scenes to be allowed in all town halls of…


liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom

Nota do editor

Este é um jornal gerado automaticamente pelo a partir de links postados ou retuitados pelas pessoas incluídas na lista Contra a ditadura do politicamente correto. Against the dictatorship of political correctness. Liberdade de Expressão – Free Speech!all


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